2nd April 2020 Daily News and Keeping Well Tips

The Government and NHS are giving us information on the news everyday. We want to help you get the right information, so we will give you the big messages here. 

Big messages today:

Here is a step by step action plan to stop coronavirus spreading.

The Government are increasing how many hospital beds there are, how much equipment there is and how many health staff they have.

The Government are going to help businesses with extra money so they don’t close down.

People seem to be using their cars more and not staying at home. People have to follow the rules and stay at home.

Keeping well tip:
• If you feel anxious try to think about good things that make you happy.

• Talk about your worries to someone you trust.

• Enjoy nature. You can go out once a day for exercise – can you see any blossom or hear the birds?